Ships are the baseline mode of mass transit and movement on the server. Ships do not need any coal to move and can move mass quantities of supplies moved at once.
Sailing a Ship[]
Have the ship meet the size and block ratio requirements for its class.
Activate it by writing the name of the ship's class on the top line of a sign then right clicking on the sign with an empty hand.
Move it by holding a wooden stick in your hand and right clicking while facing the direction you want to move. Diagonals are allowed.
If you wish to rotate your ship write “[helm]” on the top line of a sign then right click once to activate it. Further right clicks will make your ship turn right, left clicks will turn left.
If you want to move quickly then you’ll need a cruise sign. Cruise signs only work on the SIDE of a block, NOT the TOP. The direction they face determines the direction they will make the ship move. Make one by writing “Cruise: OFF” on the top line. caps and spaces count.
To stop piloting a ship, walk off of it or write “/release” in the chat window. releasing a ship will shut off cruise signs automatically.
If you fall off by accident, you can type “/manoverboard” to get teleported back, but this only works for 30 seconds after you’ve left.
Repairing a Ship[]
Repair signs will work for ships above 1500 blocks in size. To use a repair sign, write "Repair:" on the first line and the name that you want to call the schematic to be saved on the second line. Leave all other lines blank. Using repair signs requires that you are piloting a ship. Right clicking the sign once will tell you how different your current ship is from the schematic, how many blocks are required, how many coins it will take, and how long it will take to repair. All blocks are taken from chests onboard the ship. Repair calculates coin cost as 100 coins per block fixed and 0.5 seconds per block. Ships will need to be repiloted after repairing and cannot move during repairs.
Typically repair signs are used with Factory to create smaller ships or StructureBox to replicate smaller buildings.
Military ships are generally only used for war and anti-piracy actions. While you can sail around with them, generally if someone uses a military ship to go near another empire's land, this can be seen as an act of aggression. We highly recommend against using military ships for civilian or trading use.