How to make a Ticket
Step 1: Enter the Mystian Discord - (If not already inside here is a link
Step 2: Once entered into the Discord, Look for the Catagory called Ticket Support
Step 3: Once under ticket support, read the catagories and click the image for the respective ticket request.
For the circled example, That button is for a Bug Report, check the corrosponding images for what you need
Step 4:
Once clicked a new catagory with u and staff will be opened where u can explain what you need assistance with
The second image is an example of where you will see your ticket. It will display your username and the catagory of issue you have selected.
The Categories are in order left to right
Report Cheater - Open UE Vote Request - Submit Ban Appeal - Request Casus Belli - General Support - Report a Bug - Request a New Feature